Presented by All Worms

<aside> ⚠️ Two months of affordable narrative design courses with live calls, practical assignments, live feedback, and the focus on student’s needs.


<aside> 💵 Payment in installments can be discussed. Apply and we’ll take it from there.


<aside> 🚨 Three people can get into the courses for free. If you’re struggling financially or simply can’t pay, fill a form for a FREE OF CHARGE COMMUNITY spot. ALL SPOTS TAKEN


Learning narrative design on your own is a pretty tall task. There is enough info and plenty of courses to get you started, sure. Except the definitions and understandings range from person to company to country to city to person. Some treat narrative design as game writing, some have a very specific approach fit for exactly one style, some think it’s just game design with words. Most think narrative design is just about video games.

And that’s just for beginners. Advanced stuff is flat out rare.


<aside> 🚨 This Fall I want to invite you to learn all about narrative design from foundation to some advanced topics to even some experiments. Read on to learn more!


You will be making several text adventures in Inkle’s Ink engine ****an industry relevant engine. You will receive live feedback, written lessons full of important theory, live weekly calls, and a Discord server full of peers. All of it from a practicing veteran narrative designer with 17+ years of experience and 70+ games behind his belt.


<aside> 💡 For an example of my material, check out the retired course on dialogues.


All of my courses are unique and feature material developed throughout a long career in video games, both commercial and artistic.

I pride myself on giving attention and focus to my students, supporting and encouraging them, rather than preparing them to fit a pre-determined role. It’s about a safe space to fail and exploring what students love doing or are best at.

None of the courses are pre-recorded. All of them feature live feedback and weekly discord calls, the only premade content is the written lessons.


What to expect from each course?

The course will be held on Discord in a closed server with learning materials kept on Google drive (including call recordings). You’ll have an opportunity to network and share with your peers. The discord will last until the company itself is gone. Peer feedback is encouraged and recommended!

Since these aren’t writing courses, the language won't be discussed. You shouldn't let your English proficiency stop you. You'll do OK in this course if you can read this page without using Google Translate.

No prior experience with the Ink engine is necessary. While it’s a ridiculously powerful beast, you only need basic features for course tasks. You can use Twine or other text game engines but this means I won’t be helpful with any coding or technical issues.

The tasks shouldn’t take more than 10-20 hours a week but mileage may vary. I will give feedback on every task if it’s completed on time. It will include at least one sincere compliment on your work, I promise.